Title: Mouths of Decadence, Part VII
Characters: Chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder
Rating: NC-17 (oh yes, slash)
Word Count: 1832
Summary: Eddie rescues Chris?

The cold steel walls of his enclosure probably would have started to drive a normal man insane. And maybe in some ways, Chris was slowly going insane. As soon as he seemingly hit the end of his memories, other people's memories began to invade his mind. He remembered what it was like to grow up as a little girl in Seattle, memories he attributed to Susan. He could feel the caress of waves on his skin, feelings he attributed to Eddie. He could—

The door opened and Scott stepped in with a tray. The handless steel door closed behind him, something that surprised Chris slightly. His blue green eyes watched the man set down the tray on the bed, sitting down himself. Looking up from where he sat on the cold steel floor, he looked into Scott's eyes, easily reading his mind.

"You can light paper on fire? That's it?" Chris smirked. "No wonder they have you playing room service bitch."

Scott glared at him, "How do you know that?"

He shrugged, "I just do. Don't suppose you have a cigarette on you? I'd kill for a smoke."

"No. They make us empty our pockets before entering this wing."

"Us? There's more of you?"

"Just Shirley Manson. They assign one per person, and always the same gender. As if I would sully the chick anyways," he rolled his eyes. "It would be suicide to stick my dick in her. If she didn't kill me, they would."


He grinned, "You don't know, man? Oh this is wonderful."

"What are you talking about?"

He chuckled and stood, "You'll find out in no time, man. After all you are the anti-Christ."

Scott walked out before Chris could properly probe his mind. Normally he would have stolen all thoughts he needed within a minute or two of the man talking to him. But there was a cloud of something about the man; drugs Chris supposed. That always complicated things.

But he did know one thing now: the black hole sun he was to bring would be facilitated by this girl.

He didn't like that at all.

Eddie looked out the car window, shaking his head. He didn't understand how Susan was so certain this old warehouse on the sound was where Chris was. Nothing about it looked special at all. Why would they take someone like Chris to an old worn down warehouse? That was so clique.

"Susan, I don't thi—"

"He's here, Ed. Trust me. I know this music scene far better than anyone else. He's here," she declared, turning off the vehicle and reaching for her seatbelt.

"No. I'm going in for him alone. Stay here and keep the car running," he instructed. "Make out with Beth or something. We could all die from this, so you might as well die happy."

The color drained from both women's faces as he got out of the car. However Eddie didn't notice his own gaze up on the building. Now would have been a good time to be invisible, but that had apparently gone away. Instead he'd just have to hope he was stealthy enough to slip in unnoticed.

It was surprisingly easy to get up to the building, to open the door and slipped in. Having seen enough movies, Eddie was certain that it wasn't a good sign at all, but went ahead anyways. Foolish or not, it was all he had. As to be expected the warehouse was not at all worn down on the interior, but rather shiny and new.

And completely desolate.

He wanted to call out, but was certain that move would get him killed. So instead he tried to stay in shadows as he moved about the building, looking for any sign of Chris, or really anyone at all. As he slid along the wall, a sudden sense to stop invaded him and he froze. A moment later the door nearest him flew open, a pair of men striding out. Pressed against the wall, he took that as a sign and slipped through the door.

But not before hearing, "I don't see why we have to go get another mattress. He can fuck her on the cold steel floor and that would be just fine to do whatever the boss is expecting. They don't need comfort."

"I think it was just to get us out, man. He'll probably be done before we even get back."

Eddie did not like the sound of that.

The door swung open with far more bravado than his room servant ever used. However Chris had heard the man screaming down the hall, so he merely looked up from his same place on the floor with boredom in his eyes. He arched a brow as the man looked down at him, a bit surprised to find Krist Novoselic towering over him. Never once had he even considered the bassist to be a part of this big thing at all. Kurt, yes, but not Krist.

"Surprised?" he smirked. "Get up."

Hesitating a minute was a mistake for the tall man reached down and pulled him quickly to his feet, causing his head to fling back and slap against the steel wall. Rubbing his head, Chris looked at the taller man. Their eyes held for a long moment; Krist clearly allowing Chris to read his mind. Slowly Chris's eyes widened.

"You have to be fucking kidding me."

He merely grinned at Chris.

"I am not fucking that prepubescent girl so you can get your jollies off. No way. No how," Chris declared.

Krist laughed, "She's older than you, Chris. Looks can be deceiving."

"Whatever. I'm not fucking her."

"Suit yourself," he remarked. "But I would. Might as well enjoy your last moments on earth."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Come. I'll show you," his hand circled Chris's wrist, turning his blood to ice.

The entire room was kept warmer than the rest of the building, in part to regulate her temperature, in part to keep everyone away. Everyone knew where there was heat there was fire and that room was no exception at all. 

At least everyone who worked there.

Eddie however did not know it was a place to be avoided at all costs. He presumed the high security meant that was where Chris was. So he skirted around guards miraculously and found himself standing in front of a metal door with a sun etched on it. His palm pressed against the sun, feeling odd warmth from it. And yet it also felt like... home. With very little effort, the door opened under his pressure.

Stepping into the room, Eddie gasped. Levitating in the very center of the warm metallic room was a girl — no, a woman, she had the breasts of a woman. Her skin was ivory porcelain; her hair flaxen gold. She wore no clothing at all and he could not see how she was supported. She was just there.

"Who are you?" a voice as melodious as a sweet song asked. "I can feel you, but I cannot see you."

Eddie looked down at his hands, or at least where they should be. That explained why no one had accosted him. And he had thought he wasn't invisible. Whatever. Didn't matter now.

"Are you the one they have waited for?" her voice questioned.

"Uh, I don't think so. I think that's my friend, Chris."

"Come closer," she requested. "I want to touch you."

While something about that didn't seem right, Eddie felt compelled to do as she asked anyways. His feet shuffled forward unbidden until he was right beside her, could feel the warmth her body radiated. Her hand rose from where it had been resting beside her body. Her eyes pivoted towards him, seemingly looking into his without apparently seeing him. In her eyes, the palest blue he had ever seen, he was lost and found all at once. Who was she?

"Quick, get to the corner. He comes," she declared. "And he brings another."

Shuffling to the farthest corner as she instructed, Eddie pressed his back to the steel wall, surprised at how it radiated heat. But then again he supposed if he had to be locked in a metal room naked, he would want it heated too. But all practical thoughts disappeared when the door opened and in stumbled Chris. Behind him stood Krist, whose eyes fastened upon the nude woman for a long moment.

"I have brought your king, my dear," he stated softly, before closing the door.

"Come closer," her voice beckoned Chris.

"Uh, no thanks. He wants me to fuck you so that you can bring down some black hole sun and kill a bunch of people," he muttered, glancing around. "And that's so not going to happen."

"Do you not desire me?" she asked.

His eyes danced over her, "Sure, I guess. But I'm still not going to — Eddie? Eddie, is that you?"

Stepping away from the corner, Eddie moved until he was just on the other side of the woman from Chris, figuring Chris couldn't see him, but could hear him, "I came to get you out of here."

Chris grinned, "Well you're a sight for sore eyes certainly. I thought you were dead."

"You can see me?"

"Uh yeah. But only when you thought about whether or not you were invisible," he responded. "So now that you've found me, how are you going to rescue me?"

"Shouldn't we do something about her?" he motioned to the floating woman.

Chris looked at her, "I'm supposed to fuck her and bring down the black hole sun. If I leave then everything's good. So she can—"

"We can't leave her here, Chris. They'll come back for you."

"Kill me," her voice softly requested.

"What?" both men asked.

"Kill me and save yourself and those like you. It is the only way. I would rather die than continue to live a life as I do," she responded.

"Nobody's going to die," Chris stated. "We'll get you out of here too. That'll solve that."

"How we going to do that?"

His hands went to the woman's waist and she suddenly was no longer levitating. Slowly Chris helped her stand, amazed at her eyes just as Eddie had been earlier. Shaking his head, he stopped himself from kissing her an inch before his lips touched hers. Though his arm remained looped around her waist, his attention focused back on Eddie.

"You can move things, Ed. Open the door," he instructed. "And I'll tell you when someone is coming and you can keep them from doing that."

Eddie nodded, "What are we going to do with her when we get out?"

Chris shrugged, "I would say let our girlfriends do what they want with her, but they're—"

"Waiting in the car for us," he interrupted, focusing on opening the door.

Chris froze, "Really? Susan's not...?"

"No. I'll explain later, after we get out of here."