Title: Midnight Shift: Chapter Twenty, Protection
Rating: R [language, alcohol, drugs]

Summary: Bob meets up with Adele which leads to something I wasn't expecting. Jimmy plots to get back at Adele. Summer and Robert spend time with Joni.

The benefit of Joni Mitchell inviting them to dinner was that Robert was actually familiar with the restaurant. This alone made Robert far more comfortable dressing for the meal. He knew they would not be overdressed or underdressed. He also knew they would not be late, unless Summer kept changing her shirt.

“Baby, you look just fine,” he commented as she pulled on a sixth shirt.

“But when we went out with Dad, I was not dressed appropriately,” she glanced at him.

“That was my fault,” Robert claimed. “I wasn’t familiar with the restaurant. Where Joni recommended, I have been. You look just fine, Summer.”

Her eyes met his briefly, “Do you think I could stay with Joni if for some reason I can’t come to England with you?”

“I don’t see why not,” he responded with a slight smile. “That might be a good alternative, better than going to Bob’s house.”

“That’s what I was thinking,” she turned back to the mirror and scowled before pulling off her shirt once more.

“Summer, what’s wrong? Why do you keep–”

“Everything makes me look fat,” she interrupted.

“You’re beautiful, Summer. Absolutely beautiful,” he proclaimed.

“Well I feel fat.”

Robert got up from where he sat on the bed and approached her. His arms slipped around her from behind and he kissed her neck. He held her tightly and nibbled on her ear, whispering that she was beautiful, not fat at all.

“In fact, I think you may have lost some weight since we met,” he claimed.

“You think so?” she stared at her topless reflection, noticing how tightly Robert’s arms were wrapped just below her small, bare breasts. “Do you think my boobs are too small?”

“I think you are beautiful just the way you are,” he responded. “Why are you suddenly so worried about your appearance, Summer? I don’t understand.”

“Joni is so beautiful. And I know you like her. I’m nothing like her at all.”

Unable to help himself, Robert chuckled, “Baby, I am not giving you up for Joni. I would never give up you for anyone. Not Joni. Not some actress. Definitely not some groupie. I would never give you up for anyone. You have no reason at all to worry.”

She sighed, “It’s just… with everything that has happened, I just know something is going to happen to us. One day you’re going to wake up and realize I’m just a girl and not even worth your time and affection. It’s going to happen, Robert. Sooner than later.”

He kissed her ear again, “No, Summer, it isn’t. Just because your family has been turned upside down does not mean that the rest of your life is going to be. I love you. I do not want to be apart from you at all, baby. Ever.”

“But, Robert…”

“No, buts, Summer. Absolutely none.”

She sighed, “Okay. Fine. You win.”

Smiling slightly, he kissed her once more, “Get dressed. Let’s go have dinner with Joni.”

He was so keyed up – still. Drinking hadn’t helped. Drugs hadn’t helped. Even fucking some random groupie hadn’t helped. His anger and frustration was so much built into his aura right now that he was likely to blow if he couldn’t find some sort of release. But he knew it wasn’t going to happen. Everything he had tried, failed. Maybe if she had been around, he would be able to distract himself or she could cool his temper – just like she did Bonzo’s. But she wasn’t. She was out with him, probably doing things he wished she would do with him. He would have to find some other solution.

He needed to take down the one who hurt her, who had caused all the problems. It did not matter that Summer’s mother relinquishing legal responsibility of her helped their issues in taking the blond out of the country with them. What mattered is she made Summer cry and that was very much unacceptable. And he was going to make her pay. But how? Without Cole around, he really did not have easy access to things not entirely on the good side of the tracks. Benji was not likely going to be as accommodating to his nefarious requests; plus he was supposed to be working on getting Summer – and now her dog – out of the country with them.

He fucking needed Richard Cole and he was not entirely comfortable with that idea.

Leaving his room, Jimmy stalked down the hallway. He didn’t know where to find Cole, but he figured Peter had been in charge of getting rid of him and therefore would. That was his first destination. His second destination would depend upon Peter’s answer.

Pounding on the manager’s door, he waited impatiently for it to open. Just before he was about to pound again, the door swung open.


“I need to talk to Cole.”

“Do you really think I am bloody hiding him in here?” Peter grumbled.

“No. But I know you know where he is. So where is he, Grant?” Jimmy demanded.

“Why do you want to know?”

He waved dismissively, “Just tell me.”

“Really, Jimmy?”

He folded his arms across his chest and tapped his foot.

“Fine. I’ll call a car and we’ll go see him,” Peter declared, turning back into his room.

“I want to see him alone.”

“Why?” he picked up the phone.

“its better you don’t know.”

He dropped the phone back down, turning to the guitarist, “Whatever you’re planning, Jimmy, let it go.”

“Don’t you worry about it, Grant,” he said. “Just get me to Cole and everything will be fine.”

“Jimmy, I don’t think–”

“I didn’t ask you to. Just get me to Cole.”

Smiling as Summer made a face at Joni’s suggestion of what kind of shoes she should wear, Robert reached for his glass of beer. The evening had gone very well. He certainly felt more at ease with Joni than he expected, even more so than he had with Bob. Granted there was not the added element of Joni actually being Summer’s mother, but there was the musical idol element at play. But as minute after minute passed seated with the two blond songstresses, he felt completely at ease. And he had a feeling Summer did too. She was smiling far more readily, her shoulders had once more straightened out confidently, and he just might be seeing sparkle back in her eyes. Joni was exactly what Summer had needed; Robert was glad she was up to the task. He was dreading the arrival of the check, knowing it would indicate the ending of their evening.

“Shall we head back to my place for a nightcap?” Joni suggested, grabbing the check before Robert could reach for it.

Summer’s eyes went to Robert’s, “Can we?”

Chuckling he leaned over and kissed her, “Would I ever tell you no?”

“You never know,” she responded.

Half an hour later, the trio sat in Joni’s backyard. The girls talked about how bright the stars looked up through the trees while Robert packed and rolled a joint. Part of him felt bad for partaking of Joni’s stash, but he also would not be a bad guest and turn it down. The least he could do is prepare it for them.

Handing the white-rolled joint to Joni with a lighter, “Can I be bloody honest?”

“Of course,” she accepted the joint.

“I was quite a bit star struck when we first met.”

Joni exhaled, laughed, and handed the blunt to Summer, “No shit.”

He chuckled uneasily, “You could tell?”

“Of course I could. If you weren’t with Summer, I probably wouldn’t have even given you the time of day to be honest,” she stated. “But you’re clearly important to her and as I’ve seen today and tonight, you clearly love her, so we’ll just have to work past the whole worry of who I am.”

“How do you know my Summer? I’m not quite clear on that,” he accepted the white roll from his girlfriend.

“Joni helped me out in the General Store that day we went looking for… you know,” Summer answered.

“Helped you out?”

“I uh… didn’t know what to buy,” she admitted, flushing a deep red. “You see… uh… back home… I kinda just bled into… well nothing you can buy in a store. So I didn’t know what to buy.”

“Baby, I didn’t know…”

“Of course not. She wasn’t about to ask your opinion on such things,” Joni teased. “Hey, Summer, will you play for me?”

“I don’t have my guitar.”

“Mine’s inside next to the fireplace.”

“Okay,” the younger blond stood. “I’ll be right back.”

Waiting until the screen door closed behind Summer, Joni turned to Robert, “Look, I know you love Summer. I can see it in your every gesture to her. And that’s great. It really is. But I don’t know if you truly understand and appreciate how innocent that young woman is. God would I hate to see that light disappear from her eyes. Don’t you dare be the cause of that happening.”

“Joni, you don’t have to worry about me and Summer. Really. I love her.”

“Sometimes love isn’t enough and sometimes love isn’t forever.”

“You don’t have to worry about us, Joni. You don’t,” his eyes went to the screen door as Summer stepped back out. “What are you going to play for us, baby?”

“Well I don’t really know much… but maybe you can teach me something, Robert?” her eyes met his.

He quickly smiled, “Let’s see what we can do about that.”

Standing in front of the largest building on the property, warm lights winking out at him, Bob sighed. This was not at all how he anticipated his big reunion with Adele, not in the least. Of course the moment had not yet arrived when they were in each other’s presence, but he did not believe he would be overwhelmed with affection for the woman who abandoned his daughter – their daughter. Just the very thought of her pushing aside their child made him bristle. How could the woman he loved so much do that?

Though he did not really know anything about this commune, or really communes in general, Bob headed directly up to the door. Before he could reach to open it himself, the door opened and a pair of young boys tumbled out, chasing each other. Stepping out the way, he seized the opportunity and headed into the building. Blinking while his eyes adjusted to the lit space, he glanced around. The moment his eyes landed on her standing next to the fireplace, talking with another woman, his heart stopped. She was even more beautiful than he remembered.

But no. He was supposed to be upset with her. She abandoned their daughter.

“Can I help you?” a young woman asked, interrupting his silent assessment of the environment.

His eyes flicked to her, “I’m just here to see Adele.”

“Adele!” the woman shouted, drawing attention to the visitor. “Someone’s here to see you.”

Their eyes connected and Bob instantly felt the years disappear. It was no longer 1975, but a similar feeling to the one he felt the very first time he saw her bubbled up in his heart. Shaking his head, he kept his face impassive. His visit was about Summer. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Bob, what are you…?” she muttered as she approached him.

“Is there some place we can go to talk?” he instantly responded.

“Yes, of course,” Adele replied.

The two immediately left the building, Adele leading Bob silently away from everyone. She said nothing at all, giving him no indication if she had figured out why he was there, how he knew where to find her, anything at all. Instead she sat silently on a well-worn boulder; one Bob could picture Summer sitting on herself.

“I am here to talk about our daughter,” he stated, sitting next to her but with a good couple of feet between them.

“We have no daughter,” Adele responded without the taint of emotion.

“You cannot tell me that. I’ve met her. How the hell do you think I found you, Adele?” he retorted, letting his anger and frustration come out in his shaky voice. “Why the hell did you disown Summer?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“God-fucking-dammit, Adele! Stop stonewalling me. Do you have any idea what you have done to that girl? You have crushed her. It was bad enough that you never told her I’m her father, but then to claim she is no longer your daughter? What the hell is wrong with you?” he demanded.

“Nothing is wrong with me. I’m not the one who stalked an old flame to demand things that make no sense,” she responded.

“Have you completely forgotten the fact you have a fifteen year old daughter? A daughter you were pregnant with when you left me?”

She blinked, “We were together?”

Bob turned to face her completely, reaching for her chin to turn her face to his, “Adele, do you know who I am?”

Her eyes searched his face, “You seem familiar.”

“Do you know who you are?” he tried to hide his concern.

“My name is Adele Shumaker. I am a weaver,” she responded.

Bob’s hand left her chin to caress her cheek softly, “Adele, my love, what have they done to you?”

Her eyes briefly cleared, “Help me.”

“Adele!? Adele!? Where are you!?” a deep voice shouted.

“Oh god,” she muttered, pulling quickly away from Bob. “I have to go. If he finds me here with you… I have to go.”

“Wait. Don’t go. Come away with me.”

“I can’t,” she stated, getting to her feet. “I can’t. Tell Summer… Tell Summer I love her. And god, Bob, don’t let them have her. Don’t let them have her.”

“Wait, Adele. What do you mean?” he asked as she began to leave.

“I can’t explain it, Bob. Not now. You need to leave. Get as far away from here as you can. And protect our daughter. Save her like I cannot be saved,” she stated before hurrying off in the direction her name was bellowed again.

For a moment Bob wanted to run after her, demand that she come away with him. But he knew he would not be successful. Her eyes had told him that. He would do as she asked, for Summer, but only for the moment, until he figured out some way to rescue Adele from the clutches of… whomever.

Straddling Robert, Summer grinned before she leaned down and kissed him, “Tonight was fun.”

He reached up and tucked her hair behind her ears, “It was. And I must say you played well.”

She giggled slightly, “You don’t need to charm me, Robert. I’m already in your bed.”

“I’ll remember that if I get to the point of trying to do that. I was merely stating a fairly obvious fact,” he responded. “I think Joni would say the same and she’s not likely to want in your pants.”

She slipped to his side, cuddling against his bare chest, “I really like Joni. She’s just how I always wanted my mother to be. Well maybe not sitting around smoking with me, because I had that opportunity. But everything else about her is just… wonderful. I’m glad she said I could stay up there anytime I want, even if she’s not home. It certainly felt like home being there tonight. And I can’t say that I’ve felt that way ever before. The farm felt more like… a prison than anything if I really think on it. And we’ve just been staying in hotels and stuff…”

“Is it here you want to live?” he asked, his fingers wiggling through her long hair.

“I don’t know. I’ve never lived anywhere else,” she pointed out. “You’ve already been showing me places I only knew existed in books. I don’t think it’s fair for me to say this is where I want to live without much more consideration. Is it where you want to live?”

“I will live wherever you want to,” Robert stated. “I will buy us a house wherever you want to.”

“Show me your England first. Then we’ll talk about it.”

He kissed her quickly before stretching away from her to turn off the bedside lamp, “Have I mentioned lately how much I love you?”

“Not for a few hours at least,” she responded.

Robert pulled her in closer, “It could be because there are no words in the English vocabulary to explain it. I’m pretty sure I love you more than I can even fathom to explain.”

He could feel her lips curve into a smile in the darkness, “Try.”

He chuckled, “And if I don’t?”

“Then I suppose I won’t play with Little Robert Anthony tonight.”

Laughing heartily, Robert claimed, “He’s quite all right with that.”


“Baby, we don’t have to make love every night.”


Her disbelief bothered him more than he realized, “Summer, we aren’t all about sex and more sex. I love loving you, but I don’t need it every night.”


“Don’t think for a moment it’s because I don’t want you or don’t desire you, because that’s not it at all. I could ball all day with you, Summer,” he explained. “But sometimes I just want to hold you. This is one of those moments.”


“Besides, we have two things working against us.”

“Which are?”

“There’s a third in this bed with us,” he pointed out, wiggling his toes to get the puppy to roll over. “And you’re not back on the pill yet.”


“And I don’t have any condoms,” Robert quickly added. “Jonesy did mention to me today that he made another appointment for you, but we’ll have to ask him when it is. Until then, we need to be responsible and–”

“You don’t want a baby with me?”

He sighed, “Of course I do, Summer. But not yet. We’re not ready yet. We need to get a lot of things in line first, one of them being having some place to raise our child. It will happen when we’re ready. We’re not ready.”

“I… I guess so.”

“Summer, we’re not.”

“I know. It’s just… with my mother doing what she did… I feel like…. Well I have really, lost my family. I guess a part of me wants to rush into starting my own to fix some of that,” Summer admitted.

He kissed her forehead, “I understand, baby, but you’ve got a lot of people who love and care for you. You’re a part of a much bigger family now. And you’ve found your father to boot. Things are not so dire.”

“I suppose not.”

“They aren’t. You have me and Jimmy and Bonzo and Jonesy. You have Joni. And you have Bob. That alone is quite the powerhouse of a family, never mind the fact I’m certain Jonesy’s and Bonzo’s wives and children will love you too. So you just stop worrying about family. You have plenty of family,” Robert declared.

“What about your kids, Robert?”

He paused in consideration, “To be honest, I don’t see how they wouldn’t love you, but I’m biased. They’re young though, so I don’t think they will blame you for breaking me and Maureen up – even if I know that’s not true. I’m sure they’ll love you too.”

“Tell me about your kids.”

He smiled, “Well Carmen is a precocious little girl. I just know she’s going to be trouble when she gets older. There’s this one time when she…”

“Explain to me again why I should be helping out something that will help out that bitch,” Cole demanded before sucking back the last of the booze in his bottle.

Jimmy sighed in frustration, “Summer is not a bitch and I’ve told you a million times to not address her as such.”

“Okay fine, whatever. Tell me again what’s in it for me.”

“You do this and I’ll see you’re re-instated as the tour manager,” he responded, pushing another bottle of beer towards Cole.

“Let me get this right. I’m supposed to see that something is planted on the commune that Summer grew up on and then send in an anonymous tip to the feds to get it shut down and everyone there locked up. Why exactly are we doing this?”

“The why does not matter.”

“I… okay, fine. I’ll do it,” Cole decided and quickly drained the mostly full bottle. “When does this need to go down?”

“The sooner the better. You want to fly home to England with us, don’t you?”

“This isn’t going to be a cheap proposition, you know.”

Jimmy pulled out Summer’s handmade bag, “If this isn’t enough, you need cheaper friends.”

Cole snatched the shoulder bag up and looked into it, “Should work just fine, boss. You can count on me to get everything taken care of. No mistakes.”

Walking down main highway over a mile away from the commune, Bob turned over the brief exchange with Adele in his mind. He knew something was not quite right, not at all. And she had pretty much confirmed it by telling him to take care of Summer, to protect her from them. He didn’t know who they were, but he had every reason to believe it was someone at the commune, maybe everyone at the commune. Adele had clearly been in an altered stated and he did not get the feeling it was a consented altered stated. Something was not right there, not at all. It was not the happy hippie commune he expected.

And if he truly wanted to help and protect Summer, he needed to help and protect Adele. That would mean going to someone, talking to someone about what he suspected, what little he had seen. He only hoped he would reach some sort of civilized society soon so that he could do just that. Even though he did not care much for government himself, this was beyond something he and a decent protest song could help. He would have to get the authorities involved.

If only he was not walking along a road to nowhere.

Lights suddenly illuminated the road. For a brief moment Bob was filled with panic. But there was no way it could be someone from the commune, right? Why would they come after him anyways? The vehicle slowed as it got closer to him, adding that much more worry to his troubled mind. A minute later, however, he sighed in relief: it was a squad car.

“Evening, officer,” he stated.

“Awfully late to be wandering about these parts,” the officer stated after rolling down his window.

“Haven’t much choice in the matter,” Bob replied. “I haven’t a car.”

“Where are you headed? I can give you lift,” he offered.

“Actually I was hoping to go to the nearest police station.”

The man’s eyes filled with an odd mixture of intrigue and worry, “Why’s that?”

Bob glanced around, “I can explain it once we’re on our way.”

“All right,” he said cautiously.

Hurrying around the black-and-white, he slipped into the front passenger seat. Once they had already put a mile of distance between where he had been picked up, Bob began to tell his story. The officer asked no questions, merely nodded and grunted every now and then. It made Bob a bit nervous, but if he had any chance of not only protecting Summer but saving Adele as well, it was worth it.

“Well,” the officer finally spoke as they pulled up at a police station, “it’s rather fortunate I picked you up tonight, Mr. Dylan. What you have witnessed is exactly the kind of thing we have been trying to get on that commune for some time now. Everyone else we have sent in has not come back out. You say you have a daughter who lived there?”

Bob nodded.

“After we take your statement, we will send you with an escort back to her. We will need a statement from her as well. And under no circumstances should she be left alone until this is all resolved,” he declared.

“Officer, what is so bad about this commune?”

“I lived on a commune during the Summer of Love. That place has no right to use such a term for what they are, what they do. Cult is not even a strong enough term,” he answered. “Do they know where your daughter is?”

“Uh, kinda. They sent her to LA for her birthday, but she stayed when they wanted her to come back. I don’t think they know exactly where she is.”

The cop got out of the car, motioning Bob a bit frantically, “You need to call your daughter right now.”

Entering the hotel after a late night of… well it would have been drinking if he hadn’t been alone. Actually Bonzo normally did not care if he was drinking alone or not. Usually he could find friends or make friends to drink with. And that could have been the case that night. But as he sat alone at the Whiskey, little things reminded him of Summer and he did not touch the booze all night long. It had resulted in a surreal experience. He hadn’t ever realized how sleazy the club was. Rather than let people on that he was stone-cold sober, Bonzo had pretended to be the moody, reclusive drunk, grumbling at people to stay away, but really he had just been watching them all make fools of themselves. The band on stage wasn’t even remotely good. Being sober was not all it was cracked up to be. But there he was, walking perfectly fine into the hotel at two in the morning. Groupies instantly snapped to attention, trying to get his. He glanced in their direction, but only barely before continuing on.

“Mr. Bonham!” the front desk agent called after him. “Mr. Bonham!”

“I wasn’t here all night. I didn’t do it!” he grumbled.

“No, no. There is a Mr. Dylan on the phone and he is trying to get a hold of Mr. Plant. He refuses to believe me that Mr. Plant is not here. He says it’s urgent,” he claimed.

Frowning for a moment as he tried to figure out who Mr. Dylan was, he smirked to himself at the realization and headed towards the desk. He held out his hand for the phone and grumbled a greeting.

Where’s Summer?” Bob instantly asked.

“With Perc – Robert at his beach house. He’s not allowed to stay here,” Bonzo answered.

Does anyone else know where it is?

“Just the band and Robert’s assistant. Why?”

Make sure it stays that way.

“What’s going on, Bob?”

I can’t really tell you. Not now. Do me a favor. Call or go to her or something and make certain Summer is okay please.

“Sure,” Bonzo replied. “But how am I to tell you that she is?”

I’m not so concerned about that. I know if she has you and Robert looking out for her, things will be okay until I get there.

Hanging up a minute later, Bonzo turned to head back out of the hotel. As he reached the door, Jimmy walked in, looking a bit more smug than normal. Bonzo knew the guitarist had not been up to any good, but that didn’t matter right then. He had to go and check on Summer, even if no one really knew where she was.

“Where you going?” Jimmy asked.

“To check on Summer,” he responded without thought.

“What? Why? Did something happen?”

“I… come on, Jimmy. I’ll explain it in the car,” Bonzo stated.

As Bonzo’s brief story came out, Jimmy instantly started to fret. Had his plans with Cole put Summer in danger? Had it already gone into action and that’s why Bob had called to warn them to protect the young woman? Had he hurt the one he was trying to help? Fuck. This was not good at all.

“Pagey? You okay? You look paler than normal,” Bonzo pointed out.

“We just need to get to Summer,” he uttered.

They rode in silence the remainder of the trip to the beach house. Jimmy could not get over the thought that he could quite possibly be the one who put Summer in danger. If that were the case… if that were the case he would never forgive himself and he would certainly never leave her unattended. If his foolish attempt to… fuck.

“Bonzo, I think I did this,” Jimmy muttered softly.

“Did what?” the drummer asked.

His dark eyes flicked out the window and noticed they had arrived, “Never mind.”

Though he really had no intentions of letting Jimmy get away with whatever it was he thought he had done, they had arrived at the beach house and the purpose of that was far more important. He had to check on Summer and make sure she was okay. From what, he didn’t know, but it seemed like Jimmy had some idea.

The two men headed up to the door. Bonzo did not even bother knocking, but instantly reached for the doorknob and entered the house. He would have to talk to them about leaving the front door unlocked. It was dangerous, far more dangerous apparently than any of them previously considered. Because Bonzo had very little shame but a lot of worry on his mind, he led Jimmy directly back to the bedroom. Again he did not pause to knock, but threw the door open without thought.

“Summer!” he bellowed.

Both Summer and Robert bolted awake, sitting up. Jimmy was a bit surprised and greatly relieved to see both wore clothes. Clearly Robert had not been doing what Jimmy expected after all. Confusion claimed the greatest emotion on their faces, with Robert quickly becoming angered.

“What in bloody name is going on, Bonzo? Who the hell said–”

“Bob called the hotel looking for you,” he blurted out. “He asked me to come and make sure that Summer was all right.”

Summer rubbed her eyes as she sat up fully, “John? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, sweet pea,” he claimed. “All I know is that your dad called the hotel apparently worried. He asked me to come and check on you. Wasn’t he going up to see your mom?”

She nodded slowly, “He was. You don’t think something happened up there and…”

“I don’t know, sweet pea. He just said he wants me and Robert protecting you,” Bonzo stated.

“Protecting her?” Jimmy spoke up, drawing Summer’s blue eyes to him.

The drummer nodded, “I don’t know any more, so no more questions. You go back to sleep, sweet pea. I’ll just go crash on the couch.”

Before Jimmy could object, Bonzo grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the bedroom with him. While it would have been prudent to attempt going back to sleep, the sudden interruption and the brief and not very information-filled explanation filled Summer with worry. Bob would not have called with instructions like he had without reason. Something bad must have happened up north, she just knew it.

“Robert, what do you think could have happened at the farm for Dad to send Bonzo to protect me?”

“I don’t know, baby. But you have to admit sending Bonzo was actually a good idea. Bonzo is a bear of a man.”

“Well sure, but… why do you think Jimmy came too?”

“I don’t know. You’d have to ask him.”

She threw back the light blanket to go do just that. Robert’s arms quickly circled around her and pulled her back to bed.

“In the morning,” Robert commented, kissing her ear. “Just go back to sleep.”

“Oh no. That’s totally not happening. They just burst into our room. I cannot sleep at all now,” she wiggled out of his arms.”

“Fine, fine. Let’s go have some tea and hope Bob shows up soon to explain all of this or something.”