Title: Love Runs Deeper: Chapter Eleven, Band Together
Rating: PG-13 [mild language, alcohol, mild sexuality]

Summary: Lindsey and Lily head to the studio to spend time with the band. Lily finally meets Stevie and...

Once more standing in front of the open closet in a bra and panties, this time a set in pale purple, Lily tried to decide what to wear for her second day with the band. It may have been her second time being around them and therefore less important, but she still felt an enormous pressure to be impressive. Last night, it was a social scenario and there were drugs and massive quantities of alcohol involved. Today she would have to be less social and more… something else.

“Baby,” Lindsey stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair with a towel, “you aren’t dressed yet? We have to leave in like five minutes.”

“I want to make the right impression,” she declared.

“You made an excellent impression last night, Lil,” he paused and kissed her temple. “Trust me.”

“But that was a dinner party. This is different.”

“Hardly. Don’t worry, Lil. Really,” he stepped back into the bathroom to finish getting ready himself.

Sighing she reached out and pulled a simple dress off a hanger in the closet. Lily pulled it on quickly before heading into the bathroom to style her hair. In her mind, there were only two ways to style it: down in long waves, or all pulled back in a tight chignon. However, part of the salon visit prior to meeting with the band included a consultation with a hairstylist in addition to the manicure, pedicure, and facial. Six inches had been snipped from her long mane, yet it still reached mid-back. Lily had no emotional attachment to it; she just did not know how to style it any more. Therefore, she just brushed it until it shined and let it be.

Glancing sideways at her as she painted lip-gloss on her lips, Lindsey smiled, “Now that wasn’t too bad, was it? You look beautiful.”

Her eyes flicked to his, “Well thanks. I still don’t feel good about this.”

“It will be fine, Lil,” he rinsed out his mouth and kissed her cheek quickly. “They love you.”

“Stevie doesn’t.”

“Stevie doesn’t know you.”

“Kinda my point,” she retorted, before turning back to the mirror to apply her mascara.

“You don’t need to worry about impressing her,” he declared.

She snorted and set down the mascara, “Easy for you to say.”

“You don’t need to worry about Stevie. She’ll love you.”

Lily stared at him without saying anything.

“She will!”

“She’s your ex-girlfriend, Linds,” she reminded him. “And I’m your new girlfriend. There will be problems.”

“No, there won’t.”

“Linds, don’t be stupid. There will. I may have never been in a relationship before, but I know women–”

“You’ve never been in a relationship before?”

“Not really,” she turned to leave the bathroom. “But that’s not really the point.”

He grasped her hand, “Actually it is important.”

Her eyes went to his, “We can talk about it later, I promise. We have to go meet Stevie.”

Lindsey quickly kissed her, “It’s going to be fine.”

“Yeah, sure,” she muttered and pulled away. “Whatever you say, Linds.”

As Lindsey pulled into a parking space outside the studio, Lily flipped down the visor and once more checked her appearance. If Stevie had not skipped the dinner the night before, she was certain a riot of butterflies would not be attacking her stomach at that moment. Despite Lindsey’s assurances, she knew that afternoon was going to be tense. If only there was some way to calm herself down…

“Lil?” his hand touched her knee. “Are you okay?”


He caressed her cheek and leaned over. His lips brushed across hers gently, before he pulled back and smiled at her. Lily forced a smile.

“Lil, it’s gonna be fine.”

“Lindsey, I just…”

“Take a deep breath and relax.”

She closed her eyes and did as he said. It did nothing for her nerves.

“Wanna smoke a joint before we head in?”

Lily’s eyes instantly opened, “Hell no. Let’s go.”

He smirked as she quickly opened the door and got out. While he had not actually expected her to accept, it had gotten her out of the car. Lindsey quickly got out of the car and hurried to her side. He kissed her once more. Hearing a car pulling up, his arms remained around her and he deepened the kiss. Though he did not know who was in the vehicle, Lindsey knew his display of affection could very well be good.

As he pulled back, Lily smiled, her eyes still closed, “Oh I needed that.”

“Of course you did,” a smoky voice commented, tainted with malice.

Lily turned, very aware that Lindsey kept his arms around her, “Hello… Stevie.”

The shorter blonde eyed her up quickly, “Hello… girl.”

“Stevie,” Lindsey spoke up, his arms still pointedly around Lily, “this is my girlfriend, Lily. Lily, baby, this is Stevie.”

The singer looked Lily over again before turning with a swirl of her skirts and heading into the studio without a word. Lily sighed and leaned back against Lindsey. He kissed her ear softly, promising to make everything better.

“I don’t think you can do that, Lindsey.”

“Sure I can. No one knows Stevie better than me,” he declared, kissing her ear again.

Lily pulled away and turned to face him, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

He blinked, “Everything is going to be fine, Lily. The breakup was mutual.”

She stared at him for a moment, “Oh really? So you both agreed that you would get into a car and speed from LA to San Francisco?”

“How do you know that?”

“You told me, Linds. That first night. You told me everything that night.”


“Yep,” she nodded, turning to head towards the entrance. “I even know…”

“What?” he trotted to catch up to her. “What do you know?”

Lily paused with her hand on the handle to the studio door, “Way more than you should probably ever tell a stranger… about how you like it in bed.”

His eyes widened, “Really?”

She winked and pulled the door open.


“No,” she stepped into the studio. “Let’s go face this storm.”

Lindsey followed her in, replaying the introduction over in his mind. To be honest, he had not expected Stevie to welcome Lily warmly, but he had also not expected her to be so cold. Granted they had not parted on good terms at all, but –

“Lindsey!” Mick barked, breaking his concentration a moment before he would have run into the wall.

“Oh, hey, Mick,” he smiled. “Show me around the studio?”

“In a minute,” he responded. “Lily, how are you, beautiful?”

Her cheeks instantly flushed as he kissed each, “I’m doing well. How are you?”

“Wonderful. Want a drink? We’ve got… pretty much anything you could want.”

“I think I can manage. You should show Lindsey around.”

“Not without you, little lady,” he slipped his arm around her waist.

Talking more to Lily than Lindsey, he led the couple on a tour of the studio. Mick flirted and teased her playfully every few minutes. Each time still brought a flush to her cheeks, though she was slowly beginning to realize that was just the way that Mick was.

The tour ended in a lounge room, where the entire band gathered. Stevie sat in one corner, surrounded by a few girls who looked very similar to them, appearing to hold court over the room. Chris sat on one of the couches, sipping a glass of vodka and flipping through a magazine, completely ignoring John. Mick pulled Lily into his lap as he sat down, instantly raising Lindsey’s jealousy. 

Before he could intercede and rescue his girlfriend from his bandmate, Stevie called him over. Lindsey’s blue eyes went to his ex-girlfriend and he struggled to do as she asked. He was not entirely afraid of her. It had more to do with the fact she was surrounded by her gaggle of girls, whom he wondered how they got there as she got out of her car alone. His eyes flicked to Lily as the girl shifted out of Mick’s lap, feeling a bit better with that situation. With a sigh, he headed over to Stevie.

“Stephanie,” he muttered, stopping outside the circle of girls.

She stepped through the group of girls and led him away from them, “Why did you bring her?”

“Why did you bring them?” he motioned to the girls.

“They’re my friends.”

Lindsey said nothing.

“Did you just bring her to hurt me?”

He snorted, “Not at all. Lily is here because I want her here. That is enough.”

“You are just–”

“Lindsey! Stevie! Band meeting!” Mick bellowed as he opened a bottle of champagne.

“We’re not done,” Stevie muttered as Lindsey turned away.

He stopped, meeting her eyes once more, “Oh no, honey, we certainly are done. And if you can’t handle the fact that I have found someone, then perhaps you should leave the band.”

She blinked, “If anyone is leaving the band, it’s you.”

He smirked, “Whatever, Stevie. Whatever.”

Stepping into the lounge, Lindsey smiled. Lily was curled up on the sofa, her hands tucked under her head. He stood in the entrance and leaned against the doorframe, just looking at her. She looked so innocent, so beautiful. He did not want to interrupt the moment, but he did need to get her back to the hotel.

“You know, Lindsey,” Chris’s smoky voice interrupted his silence, “I wasn’t entirely sure about her last night.”

He glanced over his shoulder at the older woman, “You weren’t? I thought you guys got along well last night.”

“I think she’s sweet, but I thought she might not… fit too well. Seemed too sweet and innocent last night, especially since it only took one gin to get her tipsy,” she explained. “But I’ve changed my mind.”

“Why, if I may ask?”

She smiled crookedly, “Every interaction between you and her has been absolutely golden.”

“How so?”

“I can’t really explain it. You love her and she loves you,” Chris stated.

His eyes went back to Lily, “Do you think it’s too soon?”

“Since Stevie?”

“Yeah,” he looked back to Chris.

“You and Stevie were breaking up before you joined the band. You just put it off because of the album and tour,” she claimed, pausing to take a drink from the glass in her hand. “Now that you’re free, it makes sense that you fell in love, especially with Lily. I don’t know how you found her, but don’t let go of this one, Lindsey.”

He grinned, “I don’t plan to.”

“You know,” she sipped her drink, “Mick expects you to stay here with the rest of us.”

His smiled disappeared, “What about Lily?”

“She can stay in the condo with me.”

“And Stevie,” he added.

“You don’t have to worry about her. I don’t think she’ll be an issue.”

“Did you not see her glares today? And not just directed at me,” Lindsey stated.

“I can handle Stevie.”

He stared at her.

“Offer it to her. Let Lily make the decision,” she declared and turned away.

He glanced over at his girlfriend, “I’ll ask her once we get back to the hotel.”

Chris nodded, “Good night, Linds.”

He watched Lily sleep for a few more minutes before slowly approaching her. His fingers gently touched her cheek as he kneeled next to the sofa. Her eyes fluttered open, instantly connecting with his. A soft smile curved her lips, beckoning him to lean forward and gently kiss her. They continued to kiss for a few minutes before he finally leaned back.

“Ready to go, beautiful?” he asked softly.

“What time is it, Linds?”

He brushed her long hair from her face, “Around three.”

“In the morning?”

He nodded, “Let’s head back to the hotel.”

“Okay,” she slowly sat up. “Where’s Stevie?”

He shrugged, “Don’t know. Don’t care.”

“Well I do,” Lily stood.


“When you were with Mick and John discussing whatever, she came over to me.”

He got to his feet as well, “Oh?”

She glanced around, before saying softly, “She said some things, Lindsey…”

“Like what?”

“Some… ominous sounding things,” she replied in a near whisper.

Lindsey sighed, taking her hand and stepping towards the door, “Don’t worry about it, Lil. She’s just trying to scare you off.”

“It’s kinda working.”

He stopped and turned to her, “Don’t let her get to you, Lily. Really. You are my girlfriend and my personal assistant. You are more than that. You have every right to be here. And I want you to be here.”

“But, Linds, she–”

“You belong with me. No matter what her crystals say.”

Lily’s eyes widened, “How did you know she said something about crystals?”

“That’s Stevie’s gig,” he stated and quickly kissed her. “Don’t let her phase you, love. Really.”

“I guess.”

“Come on, Lil. Let’s go get some… cake on the way back to the hotel.”

An hour later, Lily curled up in Lindsey’s lap, licking the last of chocolate cake off a fork. He kissed the top of her head, causing her to glance up at him. Before she could set the empty plate on the coffee table, Lindsey quickly kissed her, tasting the chocolate on her lips and tongue. Lily pulled away and set the plate down before turning in his lap to face him fully. Her hands surrounded his face and she kissed him deeply.

“I am so glad that you’re eating,” he declared, his hands on her hips.

“I’m trying,” she stated, settling her arms on his shoulders. “It’s hard.”

“I know,” Lindsey kissed her again. “But it will make you feel so much better.”

“I’m still trying to get used to this sleeping thing.”

He smirked, “That will get easier too. Though I can’t promise we’ll sleep at night.”

“Like how we aren’t now?” she teased him before kissing him again.

“Kinda like that,” he smirked. “Work at the studio won’t likely begin until six in the evening, if that early at all. And I will likely work through the night, often.”

“Will it be too much to drive back here then?”

“Well… Mick expects me to stay at the studio.”


His arms tightened around her in case she was considering fleeing, “I want you there too. The girls are staying at a condo on the property.”

“I am not staying with Stevie.”

“Chris will be there too.”

“I don’t care.”

“Well… I guess you can stay with me and the guys then.”

“I would prefer that.”

He kissed her quickly, “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

She leaned forward and placed her head on his shoulder, “As long as we’re together…”

His hands left her hips to rub her back, “There’s no reason we shouldn’t be.”


“Yes, sweetie?”

“Even if I was drunk in the other night, I meant it.”

“Meant what?”

“I think I love you.”

One hand left her back and tilted her face up to his. He kissed her gently and smiled. Their eyes met, sparkling. Even without him saying anything, she knew he felt the same. Her eyes brightened and her soul lightened. She had never before felt as wonderful as she felt in the moment.

“I don’t think I do, Lily,” he stated softly. “I know I do.”


He nodded once before pulling her into a kiss. Slowly the kiss’s intensity built and deepened. She shifted in his lap, trying to press closer. He pulled her tighter, causing her dress to ride up more. His right hand dropped to her thigh, squeezing and caressing it as their kissing continued. His other hand left her back, traveling around to gently cup her breast.

Lily pulled out of the kiss, her eyes looking into Lindsey’s. His hands paused in their touches, but he did not pull away just yet. With a smile, she kissed him again, her fingers reaching for the hem of his tee shirt. She leaned back again and pulled the shirt over his head. Her lips met his again, her nails tracing lightly down his bare chest.

“Lily, if you keep this… up…”

“Mmmmhmmm?” she muttered and kissed his throat.

“Lily,” he groaned, captured her hand and placed it in his lap, “feel what you’re doing to me.”

She jerked back from kissing him, her eyes dropping down to what she was feeling, “Lindsey…”

“You do this to me. You, beautiful one.”

“I want to… I want to…”

“Want to want, baby?”

“Take me to bed, Lindsey,” she breathed. “Love me.”