Title: Angels in a Cage: Chapter Twenty, Restricted
Rating: PG-13 [language, tense situations, mature conversations]

Summary: Chris protects Alyssa but at what cost to their freedom?

Parting the blinds with her right pointer finger, Alyssa looked down at the street once more. Noticing that he had not successfully distracted her by picking up the guitar in spare-bedroom-turned-studio, Chris set his acoustic aside and got to his feet. Slowly he swept her hair to the side and kissed the juncture of her shoulders and neck.

“Lyssie, come away from the window,” he breathed softly.

“It’s him, Chris. I know it is. I can’t… he’ll…”

“You’re safe, Lyssie. I’m not going to let him do anything to you,” Chris declared.

Releasing the blinds, she leaned back against him as his arms fully circled her waist, “I… I should not trust you so much. We barely know each other.”

His fingers intertwined with hers as her arms folded over his, “Alyssa, you have no need to question anything. We are what we are. You trust me because you are meant to. Plain and simple. Just relax.”

She sighed, “The green car went by twice more, Chris.”

“Then I’ll call someone and get the fucker to leave you alone,” he declared, tensing to pull away.

“In a … In a minute,” she muttered, her hands tightening on his. “Just…”

Chris relaxed and kissed her ear, “Alyssa, I… I am so glad you’re here right now.”

“I am too, Chris,” she claimed.

They remained in the upstairs room for a few more minutes before heading back to the living room. Keeping Alyssa distracted from looking out the window, he flicked on the TV and slipped his arm around her shoulders. She quickly curled up, tucking her feet underneath her, and focused her attention on the large TV as he began to flick through channels. The dogs, even Susan’s little ones, had all clustered around the couch at their feet. Had the girl shifted on the couch, Chris was certain they would have jumped up to cuddle with her as well. Luckily, two people took up the majority of the couch, leaving no room for two large dogs and three little ones. However, she let her hand drop over the edge of the couch, her fingers gently petting whoever came to her hand.

Smiling Chris’s eyes went back to the TV screen. He really had not been paying any attention at all, as he flicked channels. It was a moment too late for him to realize he had reached the higher channels of his satellite TV. Ten seconds passed of a cock disappearing into some woman’s body before he realized what channel he was on. Flushing, Chris instantly hit a lower number on the remote, changing the scene from porn to the nightly news.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

Alyssa’s eyes pivoted to his. Without saying anything, she stretched up and kissed him softly before settling back in her former position. Oddly enough that was enough of a response to his mistake that Chris relaxed once more, trying to push the scene from his immediate memory. Settling on a random movie on HBO, he shifted slightly on the couch, allowing Alyssa to lay her head in his lap should she choose. A moment later, she did just that, resting her cheek against a small decorative pillow. Before too long she dozed off, clearly enthralled with the movie on the screen. Chris merely smiled, his fingers idly playing with her hair as he let the movie guide his thoughts.

The phone ringing suddenly snapped his attention away from the boring movie. Though he really did not want to pull away from his sleeping angel, he knew he could not completely ignore the phone. Or maybe he could. He had voicemail. Moreover, anyone calling at this time of night would be up to no good. He rather liked being a homebody with his little girlfriend. They could all just–

“Chris?” Alyssa sat up, rubbing her eyes. “Was that the phone?”

“Yeah, but whoever called can just leave me a message. I don’t want to talk to anyone right now,” he responded.

“I – okay,” she glanced at the TV screen. “It’s over?”

“Seems so,” his blue eyes glanced at the TV.

“What time is it?” she asked. “How long did I sleep?”

“It’s almost midnight.”

“Oh fuck,” she muttered, scrambling off the couch and over the dogs. “I was supposed to be home at eleven.”

“Lyssie, I… you don’t have to go.”

Her eyes went to his, “Oh how I wish I could. But I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because,” she responded. “I’m going to use your phone, okay?”

Before he could even respond, she bounded to the phone. Though she felt it might be an invasion of privacy, instincts told her to check his caller ID before dialing out. Her heart froze in her chest, seeing her house number as the last caller.

“Um… will you check the voicemail first?” she held out the phone to him.

Chris accepted it, “Why?”

“I think it’s for me.”

Eyebrows furrowed, he dialed into the voicemail box. Skipping over the five from Susan he was still ignoring, he came to the most recent message. Eyes on Alyssa, he listened to the woman instruct that her daughter had better be home within the next twenty minutes or a police car would be on its way over. Hitting replay, he handed the phone over to Alyssa so she could listen to it as well.

“Fuck,” she muttered again. “Seven is delete, right?”

Chris nodded, “What’s going on, Lyssie?”

“I still live at home, Chris,” she muttered, dialing her house number.


“And she’s probably worried more than anything,” she stated. “One sec… Hi, Mom?... I fell asleep watching a movie… And I think… Zack followed me over here… No, I did not see him. But a green car followed me the entire way and circled the neighborhood for awhile.”

Walking away from the kitchen, Chris peered out the front window. He quickly snapped the blinds closed and hurried back to the kitchen. Alyssa’s eyes went to his instantly, confusion filling her golden orbs. He motioned to the phone with his eyes.

“Mom, I’ll call you back in a minute, okay?” she declared before hanging up. “Chris?”

“Go upstairs,” he instructed.

“What? Why?”

“He’s parked outside.”

Her eyes widened, “No!”

“Go upstairs. I’ll handle this.”

Nodding, Alyssa turned and hurried up the stairs, the pack of Cornell dogs trotting up after her. Waiting until she disappeared into his studio room, Chris unlocked his front door. Without little thought, he headed down the steps, his eyes intent on the green car parked in front of his house. Glare in his eyes, he knocked on the window. A young boy with bad skin looked up at him. The kid reached for his ignition but Chris knocked a bit more forcefully.

“Open up,” he growled.

Slowly the kid rolled his window down.

Chris’s hand shot in, grabbing the kid by the collar, “I know who the fuck you are. And mark my words, if you so much as even fucking think of getting this close to her again, the cops will not have a chance to arrest you for breaking your restraining order, because I will fucking kill you. Understand?”

Coughing he nodded.

He pulled the kid forward quickly, letting his forehead collide with the frame of the car hard enough to leave a bruise and maybe a welt, but not to bleed, “Good. Now get the fuck out of here before I call the cops.”

Taking a step back, he folded his arms over his chest. His eyes remained angrily focused upon the young boy as he started the car. He stayed planted on the sidewalk until he could no longer see the car’s red taillights. Turning around, Chris hurried back into his house, locking the door behind him. He paused to check out the window before bounding up the steps.


She leaned out of his studio room, “Chris?”

His arms quickly circled her, “If the fuck was a kid with bad skin, then it was him. But he won’t be bothering you anymore.”

“It was him?”

“I think so,” he responded. “But you’re safe, Lyssie. I promise.”

She sighed, “I need to call my mom back. And I need to go home. But Chris… I don’t want to.”

He kissed her gently, “I don’t want you too either. But we both know you need to. I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?”

Alyssa nodded, “After Judith’s concert, so probably sometime after eight. She’ll want to go for ice cream afterwards.”


“My sister,” she answered, pulling away. “She’s a lot younger than me. But I have to go. I… thank you, Chris. Really.”

He kissed her again, “Call your mom. Then I’ll walk you to your car.”

Sitting in the back of the family car, Alyssa folded her arms over her chest and glowered out the window. Despite her completely plausible explanation upon returning home the night before, Marilyn had grounded her. Never before had she been grounded. Her phone privileges had been revoked once, but it only lasted a few hours. Her internet was blocked for two days until she convinced her father she needed it for homework. But this was unheard of. Her moms was so serious about it that she took away Alyssa’s car keys and would be driving her to and from work herself and removed the girl’s phone from her room. As she did not know if Chris even had email, she had no idea how to get in touch with him.

It really had not been her fault she was late coming home last night. It had not. Her father would not even listen to her claims, deferring to Marilyn.

She did feel bad that her mood was so sour on Judith’s night. However, the young girl seemed to take it in stride, remaining cheerful before and after her performance. She even attempted to get Alyssa to smile with silly jokes and comments. But nothing was helping the teenager’s angst. 

Upon return to the Morgan home, Alyssa silently headed to the stairs to continue her sulking in her room, but her father cut her off, motioning her into his office. Thinking it could be a good thing, she followed him in, concern barely touching her thoughts as he closed the door behind her.

“Have a seat, Aly,” he motioned to the couch flanked by two tall bookcases of law books.

Sitting on the leather sofa, leaving plenty of room for her dad to sit as well, she watched him as he chose to sit on the coffee table in front of her instead. Her eyes went to his, eyebrows knitting.


“No,” he shook his head sternly. “This is not a time for Daddy.”

“What? I don’t understand.”

“Marilyn tells me you have called to extend your curfew twice this week in addition to cutting classes with David,” Howard stated. “Is this true?”

“Last night was different, Dad. Zack followed me over to Chris’s house. I couldn’t just walk out the door,” she declared.

“Did you call the police?”

“Chris handled it,” she claimed.

“Did he call the police? Did his parents call the police?”

She shook her head, “Chris doesn’t live with his parents.”

“He doesn’t?”

“No… Chris… is not in school any more, Dad. He lives on his own,” she explained.

“How old is Chris?”

Alyssa sighed, “Dad, age doesn’t matter.”

“You’re fifteen, Alyssa. It sure as hell matters. Is he eighteen? Nineteen? Old enough to buy beer?” Howard pressed.

She got to her feet, “I’m not having this conversation.”

“Sit right back down, young lady,” he declared sternly. “Right now.”

Eyes on his, she plopped back down, not entirely sure how to process his tone of voice, “Daddy, you don’t have to worry about Chris. He is not going to do anything to me. He is not going to force me to do anything I do not want to. He’s not going to–”

“Are you having sex with him?”

“Dad!” she gasped.

“Are you having sex with this man who is clearly much older than you?”

“No! I’ve only known him for something like two weeks, Daddy.”

“Does he kiss you? Does he touch you places that–”

“I’m fifteen, Dad. I am not stupid. Yes, we have kissed. But no I am not letting him touch me and he does not push. We are just getting to know each other. God, Dad, relax. He is not like Zack at all. He is not going to make me do anything I do not want to. And guess what? I don’t want to have sex with him,” she declared. “You don’t have to worry. I’m not like all the kids you see at work. But I guess you wouldn’t know that since you’re never here.”

Howard visibly flinched, his shoulders slumping. While he did trust her, he always had, the fact of the matter was he saw pregnant teen after pregnant teen in his office. He did not want that path for his daughter, though he knew should she fall victim to such a state she would not become a welfare mother at all. He would see to it. The greatest issue at hand was not the risk of her getting pregnant, especially as she claimed she was not having sex with her older boyfriend, but rather the fact the teen sitting on his couch was a stranger. As he looked at her, Howard realized how very right she was. He did not really know her any more, relied upon his wife to raise her. It was unfair to Marilyn and certainly unfair to Alyssa. Giving her things did not make up for the times he was absent. It was something he was struggling with Judith already, finding it difficult to make time for his youngest daughter in conjunction with work. Had he forgotten and neglected his older daughter and not even realized it?

He sighed, “I’m sorry, Aly. You’re right. About a lot of things.”

“I am?”

Reaching forward, he grasped both of her hands, “I haven’t been around as much as I should have been. I have been lax in my fatherly duties, I think in part because I knew you were safe and loved with Marilyn. But that is no excuse. As I look at you right now, I see a beautiful young woman and I realize… I don’t really know you. I don’t know much about the choices you make or what things make you happy. I know what your report cards say, what your mom tells me, but I don’t know you. And I’m sorry. I want to do better by you. I made you a promise so many years ago that I would always be here for you and I haven’t been. I have let my job once more become too time consuming, too big in my life. How can I expect to take care of hundreds of other children in the city when I don’t even know my own?”

“Daddy, I…”

He squeezed her hands, “I’m going to do better. I promise. But you need to promise me something too.”


“Promise me that you’ll always be honest with me.”

Sitting in the car with Marilyn at a stoplight, Alyssa fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. Though her father had declared her punishment for curfew would be shortened, she was still without her car and phone until Sunday evening. Had she not promised honesty with her father, she probably would have snuck out of her room after all had gone to sleep to call Chris and explain the situation on the main line. But she just couldn’t break her vow, not to her father. However, it did not make sitting in a car with her stepmother comfortable at all.

“Mom, I’m sorry I was late those two nights,” she muttered.

“I understand why you were, Alyssa. That doesn’t make it okay though and you need to understand that. We have rules in the house for your protection and benefit,” Marilyn stated as the light turned green.

“I know. I really do. And like I told Dad and you before, you don’t need to worry about Chris. He’s not going to hurt me or make me do anything I don’t want to. In fact both times I was late, I fell asleep watching a movie on his couch,” she explained. “He makes me… feel safe again.”

Marilyn glanced at her briefly, “I am glad that he does, but you should not be neglecting your responsibilities or duties because of this boy.”

“I know. I just… I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted,” she paused. “Your father and I are not entirely comfortable with you dating an older man, but we also know better than to attempt to stop you. However, we have come to a decision regarding your relationship with this Chris that we hope will be as acceptable to you as it is to us.”


“You may see him three times a week. No more. Your weekday curfew stands and no exceptions will be made unless it is arranged in advance. You will keep up with your studies and your chores around the house. We agreed to allow you to keep your job at the café because you exhibited great maturity and responsibility in balancing it with your school and family life. Just like that, these are our initial conditional terms for you seeing Chris,” she explained. “We do not want it to become like your relationship with Zack, where we and no one else ever saw you, but I don’t think you want that either. Do you agree to these terms?”

Though she had not been expecting to have to negotiate with her parents to see Chris, Alyssa nodded, “I do.”

“I know you are a smart and responsible young woman, Aly. So does your father. And we respect how you are growing up,” she stated. “That said, I personally ask that you do withstand any pressures he may put on you for sexual activity. As an older man, he may think you are easy pickings, but do not let that be the case. I cannot say to wait until marriage to have sex, but do wait until it is right for you. Do not do it just to please him or keep him or any of those other foolish ideas girls get – and I have had those thoughts too.”

“I know, Mom. I do.”

“Regardless, your next doctor’s appointment is in six weeks. I hope you find it a good idea to talk to your doctor about birth control,” Marilyn pulled the car up to the curb in front of the coffeehouse. “We cannot stop you from having sex or force you on birth control, but your father and I just want you to make the right choices.”

Alyssa’s eyes went to her stepmother for a long moment before she replied, “I know. I’m not going to let you down, Mom.”

She smiled, “Go have a good evening at work. Your father will pick you up after close.”

“Thanks, Mom,” she stated before climbing out of the car.

Heading into the coffeehouse through the backdoor, Alyssa did not have the chance to see if Chris was there. She really hoped he was. If not as soon as she had the opportunity she was going to call him and explain everything that happened. She stowed her backpack and tied an apron about her waist, before stepping through the door into the café proper. Her eyes instantly went to the table chosen as his and found it empty. Frowning slightly, she greeted her co-worker, someone who was not Donna and she did not care to get to know now, before heading out to collect cups and plates left deserted at empty tables. Reaching for the cup at his table, she practically gasped as a hand covered hers.

“I’m not quite done with that, pretty girl,” he spoke softly.

Her eyes went to his and she practically melted, “Hi.”

Keeping his hand on hers, though really there was no need, he smiled, “I missed you yesterday.”

“I’m sorry. I… had that thing with my sister and afterwards I had to talk with my dad about what happened Thursday night,” she explained softly. “I would have called you, but…”

“It’s okay,” his thumb rubbed the back of her hand. “Do you close tonight?”

“I do.”

“Then I shall be sure to drink extra slow tonight,” he winked, removing his hand.

Her eyes dropped to the cup her hand still covered, “I’ll make you another.”

“Thank you,” Chris walked around her, his fingers brushing hers again subtly before he slipped into the chair.

Quickly gathering up the rest of the dishes in the café, Alyssa returned behind the counter and quickly dumped the cups and plates into the hot soapy water. Her co-worker, whose name she thought was Jamie, chuckled before stepping over to help with the dishes.

“He’s in a band,” the young woman whispered to Alyssa.

“I know,” she glanced at Chris, briefly caught his eyes, flushed and returned to her task.

“And I think he likes you,” she stated.

“I know.”

Jamie chuckled, “I don’t know anything about his band or anything, but I overheard a couple before you got here talking about him. He’s pretty well-known, yes?”

Alyssa’s eyes went to the blue-haired girl next to her, “You could say that. He fronts Soundgarden.”

“The sculpture by the lake?”

“No, the rock band.”

“Oh. Well I don’t know the band. Are they any good?”

She stared at the woman, her mouth slightly agape, “They are amazing.”

“Do you have a CD with you? That we could put on?”

“No. I’m not driving this weekend,” she responded.

“Oh, that’s too bad. Well bring it in sometime soon. I’d like to hear it.”


“Of course!” Jamie bumped her slightly away from the sink. “And go make lover boy’s drink. I’ll do the dishes.”

Alyssa’s eyes widened as she pulled her hands free from the sink and dried them off, “He’s drinking a latte, right?”

“Honey, I think he would drink anything you gave him.”

Nodding, Alyssa turned to the coffee machines. Deciding to impress him once more with her latte art, she pulled a few bottles from the shelves while the large white cup filled with frothy coffee. Jamie halted her actions and stepped over to watch Alyssa’s actions. Making a bull’s eye pattern on top of the froth with white and dark chocolate, she reached for small knife. Carefully she dragged the tip through the pattern, flicking the end slighting to make a design resembling something more akin to a flower or a snowflake. Stepping back, she dropped the knife into the sink and reached for the cup with one hand and the stack of clean saucers with her other.

“Holy shit, Aly. Do you do that often?”

“Whenever I make something I can do it on, yeah,” she responded.

“That’s amazing. Can you teach me?”

“Um, I guess.”

“Well not now, obviously. That man needs a drink. And I need a smoke. So I’m going to step out for one or four,” Jamie declared before turning away.

Watching the girl leave through the front door, Alyssa glanced around quickly, smiling some at the fact Chris was their only customer. She carefully carried the cup over to his table in the corner, sliding it in front of him carefully as he pushed the other aside. His eyes instantly went to the pattern before returning to hers, a smile on his lips.

“You didn’t have t–”

“Of course I did,” she responded, slipping in the chair across from him. “Jamie seems to think you like me.”

He lifted the cup to his lips, “And what makes her say that?”

“I don’ t know,” her eyes focused on his mouth as he lowered the cup.

“Was I that obvious?”

“Perhaps,” she reached across the table to wipe the foam on his upper lip.

Chris’s eyes quickly darted around the room before he sucked her finger into his mouth briefly. Flushing Alyssa pulled her hand free, though let it drop into his on the table. His long fingers quickly circled hers, squeezing gently.

“We need… we need to slow down, Chris,” she muttered softly.

He tilted his head slightly, “I don’t understand. I was not under the impression we were moving that quickly at all.”

She sighed, “I can only see you three times a week now. And if I screw up on my curfew, I’m sure I will have more than just my car and phone taken away again.”

“Did you get in trouble because of Thursday?”

She nodded, “That’s why I couldn’t call.”

Chris squeezed her hand again, “It’s okay. I understand. And maybe… maybe it would be a good idea to… temper things.”


He nodded, “I don’t want you to ever feel uncomfortable around me, like I’m asking for too much, too soon. I just… being around you makes me feel… I can’t really explain it. But you’re right. We should slow down. I want to enjoy every minute with you, not feel like they all blur on by.”

“I… thank you, Chris. Really.”

His eyes flicked to the door and he released her hand, picking up the cup in the same motion, “Your co-worker is right. I do like you. A lot.”