Title: Angels in a Cage: Chapter Twenty-eight, Starry Eyes
Rating: R [language, mentions of drugs and alcohol]

Summary: Alyssa recovers from her trauma with David.  Chris has to deal with dogs before he can see Alyssa again.


Curled up on her side on her bed, Alyssa’s hazel eyes remained focused on David as he told her some silly story.  Though she did not laugh, he decided her smile was enough at the conclusion of his story.  He shifted forward onto his knees, placing him nearly face-to-face with Alyssa.  Before she could protest, he quickly kissed her before standing up and heading into her bathroom.

The moment the door closed, Alyssa’s hand shot out and snatched up her phone, dialing Chris’s hotel.  It rang four times before he answered.  Just hearing his voice made her smile.

“Hi,” she muttered.

“I miss you.”

“I’ve only been gone for the day, Chris.”

“I know… I know.  I just haven’t been able to concentrate on anything but you.”

She flushed slightly, “Chris…”

“How are you?  Did you have a good day?”

Her face instantly darkened, her eyes flicking to her closed bathroom door, “No.  Not at all.”

“How come, sweet girl?”

“I can’t… I can’t really talk about it right now,” she responded, her gaze still watching the bathroom door.

“Why not?”

“I just can’t.”

“Come over?”

“Not tonight.”

He sighed, “Lyssie…”

“I can’t.  I need to stay home.  I… I will call you when I can and come see you soon,” she stated, watching the doorknob turn.

“Wait, Lyssie—”

“I gotta go.  I’ll call you again soon, Chris,” she responded and quickly hung up.

“Who were you talking to, Aly?” David asked as he re-entered the bedroom.

“Chris,” she answered without pause.

“Dammit,” he smiled crookedly. “I want to talk to this boy who has stolen you from me.”

“Precisely why I hung up,” she responded, sitting up.

Sitting on the bed next to her, David slipped his arm around her and hugged her, “I hope this one is better than the last, Aly.”

“He is.”

“Because if he breaks your heart or hurts you in any manner, I’ll fucking kill him.”

Alyssa shook her head, “Don’t worry about Chris.  He’s no Zack.  Not at all.”

Frustrated that Alyssa would not tell him what was wrong and would not come over, Chris had no idea how to fill his time.  He had spent the day sleeping and playing his guitar, mostly avoiding the world, and waiting for Alyssa to return.  Other than drinking some more and perhaps eating something, he had no ideas.  This meant he needed to outsource his activities for the rest of the night.

Propping his feet up on the coffee table with a beer in one hand, Chris dialed Eddie’s phone number.  After a beer and a half, Chris jumped in the shower, thought about Alyssa and masturbated, and pulled on some random clothing.  As he sucked down the remaining beer, the phone rang.  Without pause, he snatched it up, hoping it was Alyssa.


His face fell, “Susan, what the fuck do you want?”

“You need to get your dogs.”

“Uh, okay, why?”

“They are your responsibility, not mine.”

He smirked, “Fine.  I’ll come and get them tomorrow.”

“No.  Right now.”

Chris rolled his eyes and swallowed another mouthful of beer, “Is Jerry there?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Pretty sure it is.  That’s my house you’re fucking him in.”

“It’s my house too.”

“You didn’t deny you’re fucking him.”

Susan remained silent.

“Fuck, Sus.  Let’s just make this easy and—”

“Come get your dogs, Chris.  Tonight.”

Before he could continue to argue, the dial tone filled his ear.  Shaking his head, he dropped the phone and finished his beer.  He did not really know how the hotel would feel about his having two big dogs in his hotel room, but it seemed he did not have any choice.  Maybe he needed to consider a more permanent place to stay.  But that was something he would talk to Alyssa about… whenever he got to talk to her again.

Picking up his keys and dropping his beer bottle in the trash can, Chris headed out of the hotel.  By the time he reached his car in the parking garage, he nearly forgot about his dogs and soon-to-be-ex-wife.  As he pulled into the street, he saw a woman walking a dog, reminding him of the task he needed to complete before getting drunk with his best friend.

As he pulled up at his house half an hour later, Chris expected a fight with Susan.  Instead, she merely thrust a box with the dogs’ dishes and food into his hands and turned away from the front door.  After leaving the box in the car, he returned for the two large dogs.  Again, his estranged wife said nothing, merely handed over their leashes.

Not really wanting to push it, Chris turned away and led his dogs to the car.  They happily jumped into the backseat, pawing to stick their heads out the window.  He opened one of the windows halfway before backing out of the driveway.  It did not even occur to him to warn Eddie and Beth he was bringing the dogs.  Lighting a cigarette while stopped at a light, Chris shrugged.  In the long run, it did not matter.

When he arrived at the Vedder house, the two dogs bounded in through the front door, pushing it fully open after Chris turned the knob.  He followed the two animals through the house, knowing they would find Eddie without him needing to even ask.  A few moments later, Chris collapsed into a deck chair, beer in hand, half-grin on his face, dogs running about the backyard.

“I wasn’t expecting the dogs,” Eddie muttered.

“Sorry.  Susan kicked them out.”

The singer smirked, “They can stay here until you find a place, if you want.”

“Thanks, man,” he responded, taking a swig of his beer. “I thought you said Cameron was here.”

“I am,” the director declared as he stepped out of the house and approached Chris.

The two men shook hands, “How’s your wife?”

Cameron smiled slightly, “She’s good.  I heard you’re not doing so well with your own.”

“Nah,” Chris sucked on his beer bottle. “She’s fucking Jerry.”

Everyone out on Eddie’s back patio went silent briefly, not sure how to address Chris’s declaration.

“Um, well,” Cameron rubbed the back of his neck, “how’s the new album coming along?”

“Alright,” he nodded. “Just about done mixing it.  You should come by the studio and give it a listen.  Could use another pair of ears.”

“You’ve never invited me,” Eddie spoke up.

“Because I don’t give a fuck about your opinion, Vedder,” Chris grinned at him.


Saying nothing, Chris lit up a cigarette, hoping the conversation would shift somehow.  Eddie, however, was too drunk to read his best friend’s intentions.

“You probably sound like a fucking girl on it anyways.”

Chris rolled his eyes, “Better than being unintelligible.”


“Oh whatever.  No one can ever understand what the fuck you’re singing about.”

“Like anyone understood ‘Black Hole Sun.’”

“Hell even I don’t.  I wrote that song when I was so fucking high.  On my way home from your fucking house.”

Eddie broke into laughter, “That was fun.  I’ve got some good shit now if you want a hit.”

Chris glanced at Cameron, “Sure, man.”

“No thanks,” the director quickly answered.

“No?” Eddie got up. “How come?  Wife won’t let you?”

“Just no desire for it.  Plus I’d hate to go back to the hotel high with my son there.”

“Pretty sure the kid won’t care,” Chris countered.

“The kid is my seventeen year old,” Cameron pointed out. “And he would notice and care and tell his mother.  So I’ll pass.”

“Why didn’t you bring him over then?  I’m sure he’d like to party,” Eddie spoke up.

The director shrugged, “He didn’t seem that interested.”

“Bring him with you to the studio tomorrow,” Chris declared, tossing his beer can in the general direction of the trash can. “Maybe he’d like that.”

“Yeah, probably.”

“Great,” Chris suddenly got up. “I’m gonna piss and get another beer.  You want one, Cameron?”

Waking with a start, Alyssa sat up in her bed.  Her heart raced her palms clammy, her breaths really shallow.  As the panic continued to course through her soul, she threw back the bed sheets quickly — and promptly smacked David in the face.

His arms quickly circled her, keeping her from flailing about in fear, “Aly, it’s me.  You’re okay.  You’re safe.”

Her fingers clutched his soft cotton tee as she buried her face on his shoulder, trying to calm herself down.  Nothing seemed to make any sense at all.  She could not remember a moment of her dreams or why she was so terrified to wake up.  Nor did she remember falling asleep with David in the bed with her, though she was instantly relieved he was there.

“Shhhh,” he squeezed her tight. “You’re safe.  No one is going to hurt you.  I’m right here.  I’m right here, Alyssa.”

“He… I… he…”

“I know, sweetie.  But I’m here,” he kissed her forehead.

Held in her best friend’s arms, Alyssa took a few deep breaths, her fingers still clutching his tee shirt tightly.  As his fingers rubbed her back reassuringly, she slowly began to relax.  Carefully, David guided her into lying back down, though his arms remained around her.  He only released his embrace long enough to pull the blankets back around them.

“David, my parents…”

“Know where I am.  I talked with your dad when I went down for water after you fell asleep.”

“And he’s okay with it?”

“I’m sure the thought that we could be having wild passionate sex crossed his mind, but your dad isn’t stupid.  He knows you shouldn’t be alone right now.  And he trusts me.”


David chuckled, “Your dad is a DA.  I’m not going to piss him off.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“And I’m not going to piss you off.  I’m here to take care of you and protect you,” he declared.

“I… thank you, David.  I really appreciate it.”

He smiled in the darkness, “No problem.  That’s what best friends are for.”

Slowly Alyssa relaxed in David’s arms as he fell back asleep.  She snuggled against his chest, listening to his heart beat.  Though she did feel safe with her best friend, it was nothing like being with Chris.  He made her feel… not only safe, but special.  And it was not all about the sex, not that they had done more than masturbate each other.  Something about being around him made her forget about all the bad in the world, made her forget about Zack.

It was Chris she should be sleeping with that night, not David.

Slipping out of her bed carefully so as to not wake her friend, Alyssa grabbed her phone and pulled it into the bathroom.  Rather than sit on the cold tile, she sat on the mat by the bathtub, pulling her knees in close, and dialed the hotel number.  Alyssa sighed as it seemed to ring forever without being answered.  He was not there.

Just as she was giving up, his groggy voice answered the phone, “Hellooo?”

“Chris?  Chris, it’s Alyssa.”

“Lyssie?” his voice instantly had more clarity. “I didn’t think I’d hear from you again so soon.  Are you okay?”

The concern in his voice made her instantly breakdown.  Struggling to not cry on the phone, Alyssa slowly explained what happened after she left the hotel.  Chris remained silent, other than a few short gasps and grumbles.  By the time she ended her story with her return to her home, tears streamed down her face, dripping off her chin, and she trembled slightly.

“Lyssie…” Chris sighed.


“I’m coming to get you.  Tell me where you are.”


“Lyssie, I know you don’t want me to meet your family yet and I understand that, but this fuck knows where you live.  He can’t get near you in this hotel,” he declared.

“I… I appreciate that, Chris, but…”

“What, sweetheart?”

“He’s in custody, Chris.  He’s not going to be coming to get me again.  He’s… I’m…”

“Baby, if you really felt so safe at home, why are you calling me in tears?”

Alyssa sighed, “I… I don’t know.”

“Lyssie, let me come and get you.  Please.”

She closed her eyes and wiped away her tears, “Chris, my best friend is here.  If he wakes up and I’m gone…”

“Wait.  Your best friend is a guy?”

“Um, yeah.”

“That guy at the café that night?”

“Chris, this really isn’t the time to be jealous.”

He sighed, “I know… I know.  Can’t you just leave him a note?”

“I… I guess so.”

“Tell me where to go.  And pack a bag.  I’m coming for you.”

Dropping her bag in the hotel room, Alyssa turned to Chris as he slid the chain across the door.  Even though it was three in the morning, both were wide awake.  He moved away from the door, approaching her.  His eyes went to hers and he tilted her face up to his.  Ever so gently, his lips touched hers.



He quickly showered her face with soft kisses before pulling her close to him.  For a few minutes they stood in the center of his hotel room, embracing.  She once more began to cry, so he held her more tightly.  Eventually her tears ceased and she stopped shaking.  

Once her sobs ended, Chris showered her with kisses once more before leading her to the bed.  Not worried about the fact a lamp was still on, Alyssa stripped down to just a tee shirt and panties, pulling her bra off without removing her shirt.   Chris marveled at her talent, but said nothing.  Instead, he took a deep breath, undressed to his boxers, and stepped towards the bed.  He kissed her temple before moving to turn off the lamp while Alyssa stripped back the bedcovers.

With the lights off, Chris crawled into bed with her.  He shifted over to embrace her, but Alyssa quickly rolled over and cuddled with him.  She wiggled as close as possible, one leg crossing over his.  His arms tightened, letting her feel how safe she was.

“Tomorrow, skip your classes and spend the day with me,” Chris requested softly.

“Chris, I…”

“I’ll keep you safe.”

“I know, but I’ve missed so much school already because of this,” she declared.

His fingers moved up and down her spine, “But, Lyssie…”

“If I miss any more class, I won’t get to graduate.”

“I’m sure there’s exceptions…”

“Chris, I just don’t…”

He kissed her forehead softly, “You can come to the studio with me.”

While his offer instantly appealed to her, Alyssa fought her desire to be with Chris and the rest of his band and her duty to graduate school, high school.  Even though Zack had never attended her high school and was in fact locked up, she did not really think she would be comfortable there again.  At least not yet.  She was ahead in most of her classes; would they let her skip the rest of the semester?  Or maybe at least until Spring Break?

“Okay,” she softly agreed. “I’ll go with you, but I’ll have to call my family first thing in the morning.  The note I left with David won’t cut it.”

He kissed her again, “Let me bring the stars back to your eyes, Lyssie.”

Walking into the studio confidently, Chris greeted the receptionist.  Alyssa kept up with his every step, her eyes quickly dancing around and absorbing the atmosphere.  She smiled slightly as his fingers closed over hers before heading down the corridor to the mixing studio where the band was.  He stopped short of the studio’s window and turned to face her.  Before Alyssa could even consider protesting, Chris kissed her softly.

“Kim’s the… loudest of them.  You don’t have anything to be worried about,” he assured her.

Alyssa smirked, “I’m not worried or nervous or anxious.  I’m just excited to hear the album.”

He stole another kiss, “I hope it is everything you hope it to be.”

“It will be.”

Releasing her, Chris turned and pushed open the studio door.  He barked his customary greetings to his band mates, before stepping aside and waving Alyssa in.  Kim’s eyebrows instantly arched up, but he oddly bit his tongue.  Instead, he watched as Chris introduced the young woman to the band.

Once she sat on the sofa and Chris sat down at the mixing table, Kim plopped down next to her, “Hey.”

“Hey, Kim.”

“That’s a nice sweater,” he commented.

“Thanks,” she smiled.

“So are you and Chris shacking up now?”

“Uh what?”

“Maybe just hiding the sausage?  Spearing the bearded clam?  Laying some pipe?  Bumping uglies?”

Her eyes widened.

Kim leaned closer, “Come on.  Tell me you’re not fucking Chris.”

She held his gaze, “I am not fucking Chris.”

“Oh really now?”


He picked up his can of beer and sipped it, chuckling, “I like you, Alyssa.  I don’t know you, but I like you.”

Listening to the first track a couple of times while the band adjusted the mixing, Alyssa got up from the sofa and headed into the hallway.  She dug a few coins out of the pocket of her jeans and headed over to the vending machines.  As she bent over, an older man and a teen boy walked behind her, heading into the very studio she left.  Though she glanced in their direction, she did not follow, but headed up to the desk.

After placing another call to her father, who surprisingly understood why she slipped out and stayed with Chris, Alyssa chatted with the receptionist briefly.  With a smile and a decision to apply to work there should she need a job after the café, she turned away and returned to the studio.  Noticing the man and teen on the sofa, Alyssa hesitated for a moment before sitting back down, right next to the teen boy.

“Hi,” she greeted him, drawing his eyes from the band to her. “I’m Alyssa.”

His eyes dropped to her offered hand before shaking it, “I’m Jamie.  And this is my dad, Cameron.”